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Seedco participated in Maryland Health Benefit Exchange’s (MHBE) public forum held on Tuesday May 14th, 2019 at the Charles County Library. MHBE is hosting a series of forums across the state to provide an update of the health insurance marketplace and lead a discussion about regional needs and strategies for the future. The event was…Learn More
Seedco Announces Release of Report on Turnover Costs
April 26, 2019Seedco is pleased to announce the release of the report “Making Entry-Level Talent Stick” from Social Finance, which sought to answer a simple question: what’s the real cost of turnover to employers? Through detailed quantitative interviews with businesses — Seedco’s employer partners in New York, NY and Memphis, TN — the report’s findings estimate a…Learn More
Chelsea, a Youth Advancing in the Workplace participant, has been interviewed and photographed for a March 2019 article in Life and Thyme, an international food journalism blog. Chelsea works as a wood-fired pizza chef at Emily, a top-rated Brooklyn pizzeria. 60% of the kitchen staff at Emily are participants in Seedco’s Youth Advancing in the…Learn More