New York

Portraits Against Gun Violence: The Exhibit
June 13, 2023Seedco was proud to host “Portraits Against Gun Violence: The Exhibit.” This exhibit was the culmination of a partnership between Artistic Noise, Seedco, and Senator Robert Jackson’s office. Over the month of May, talented young artists from Inwood and Washington Heights met at Seedco with staff from Artistic Noise to learn about photography, explore their neighborhood,…Learn More

Seedco and Artistic Noise are partnering on a new youth initiative that is actively accepting participant applications. This is a paid opportunity available to young people between the ages of 16-21 residing in the Washington Heights & Inwood communities of Upper Manhattan. These paid art-making workshops will explore the effects of gun violence and will…Learn More

Near the end of 2022, Seedco partnered with Brooklyn-based online retailer, Uncommon Goods to support their season workforce. Through Seedco’s New York City Employer Resource Network, Uncommon Goods’ seasonal team worked with Seedco’s staff to refine and edit their resumes to better prepare them for applying for new jobs. Seedco also developed several tailored resources…Learn More

For the holiday season, Seedco collected toys for children in need with a focus on supporting homeless veterans and their families. We had such an overwhelming turnout of toy donations that we were able to partner with the Acacia Network to also provide toys to children of asylum seekers receiving support from Acacia Network Housing….Learn More

Seedco Hosts Holiday Giveaway for Those In Need
December 27, 2022Last week, Seedco’s New York office hosted a Holiday Giveaway with a focus on veterans experiencing homelessness and their families. In partnership with the Harlem Vet Center, Seedco invited veterans with young children to join us for a holiday event where food was provided and everyone walked away with toys for the holidays and a…Learn More

New book published by Seedco board member
November 21, 2022Seedco congratulates long time board member, George A. Pruitt on his new book, “From Protest to President: A Social Justice Journey through the Emergence of Adult Education and the Birth of Distance Learning”. According to Rutgers University Press: From Protest to President describes an inspirational odyssey of a young, Black activist coming of age in…Learn More

Seedco announces partnership with Uncommon Goods
September 22, 2022Looking to apply or refer someone to open seasonal positions, please click here. Click here to learn more about Uncommon Goods. Are you a business looking to invest in your team and provide that extra level of support? Click here to learn more about the New York City Employer Resource Network or reach out to…Learn More
Seedco Shares Resource on Child Tax Credit
June 17, 2021While most people don’t need to take any action to receive advance child tax credit payments, Seedco recommends community groups and others to share information and help everyone receive all the benefits they’re due. Eligible families will start receiving monthly payments beginning in July without any further action. Watch the video below, developed by the…Learn More
The Urban Institute has published a brief on how Seedco and its partners in the Strong Fathers, Stronger Families program in New York City learned, coped, and innovated during the first six months on the COVID-19 pandemic. As New York City was an early epicenter during the public health crisis, Seedco is grateful for STRIVE and…Learn More