
The Urban Institute has published a brief on how Seedco and its partners in the Strong Fathers, Stronger Families program in New York City learned, coped, and innovated during the first six months on the COVID-19 pandemic. As New York City was an early epicenter during the public health crisis, Seedco is grateful for STRIVE and BronxWorks’ resilience in rising to the challenge of meeting our communities’ extraordinary needs.

When the pandemic hit in March 2020, Seedco had been working with the Urban Institute team for the previous four years to support Seedco’s Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) approach to service delivery. Throughout the first six months of the pandemic, the SFSF team leaders continued to meet with Urban Institute to reflect on challenges and progress.  The brief discusses lessons from these experiences that can be applied more broadly to service delivery organizations that have had to manage the consequences of the pandemic for both themselves and the populations they serve.

Get more information and download the brief here.

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