Acacia Network

For the holiday season, Seedco collected toys for children in need with a focus on supporting homeless veterans and their families. We had such an overwhelming turnout of toy donations that we were able to partner with the Acacia Network to also provide toys to children of asylum seekers receiving support from Acacia Network Housing….Learn More

Seedco Hosts Holiday Giveaway for Those In Need
December 27, 2022Last week, Seedco’s New York office hosted a Holiday Giveaway with a focus on veterans experiencing homelessness and their families. In partnership with the Harlem Vet Center, Seedco invited veterans with young children to join us for a holiday event where food was provided and everyone walked away with toys for the holidays and a…Learn More
MDRC recently issued a research brief, Bridging Access to Benefits and Care in Communities Affected by Drug Use, highlighting a pilot program that was launched in 2018 with funding from the One City Health Innovation Fund in a partnership between Acacia Network, St. Ann’s Corner of Harm Reduction (SACHR) and Seedco. The pilot utilized Seedco’s…Learn More
On June 12, New York City’s OneCity Health Innovation Fund awarded $699,450 to the Bridging Access to Benefits and Care (BABC) program. This new initiative is led by Acacia Network, with three core partners: Seedco, St. Ann’s Corner of Harm Reduction (SACHR) and MDRC. Funding for BABC will address social determinants of health for the most vulnerable and disenfranchised opioid dependent population in the Bronx through outreach, engagement, enrollment in public benefits and linkages to care. Seedco’s focus will be increasing enrollments in public benefits using our EarnBenefits Online technology. BABC builds on Acacia and Seedco’s Bronx Health and Benefits Initiative, funded through the Bronx Partners for Healthy Communities Innovation Fund, to integrate EarnBenefits Online into Acacia’s federally qualified health centers (FQHCs).Learn More