Senator Robert Jackson, Ronin A. Davis (Seedco Senior Director), and Cassandre Collazo (Girl Scout Troop 3025 Leader)
Last week, Seedco’s New York office hosted a Holiday Giveaway with a focus on veterans experiencing homelessness and their families. In partnership with the Harlem Vet Center, Seedco invited veterans with young children to join us for a holiday event where food was provided and everyone walked away with toys for the holidays and a bag full of toiletries, socks, and other supplies.
Seedco had overwhelming support from the community including toy donations from New York Girl Scout Troops 3205, 3203, 1225, and 3234 as well as Zeta Charter Schools! The Girl Scout Troops also helped Seedco staff decorate the office, organize the toys, and make special thank you holiday cards for the veterans. Food and snacks were donated by Tubby Hook Tavern and Wurzweiler Care Cafe, and Bombas socks donated from State Senator Robert Jackson’s Office.
The event was a success with screenings taking place for Acacia Network and Seedco’s Homeless Veterans Program, a visit from Senator Robert Jackson, and representation from the New York State Division of Veterans’ Services!
With such an overwhelming turnout of toys, in addition to the veterans and their families, Seedco will donating the remaining toys to the families in New York seeking asylum through our affiliation with the Acacia Network.
Seedco is so grateful to all who have contributed and helped us support those in need this holiday season.