Seedco’s Midsouth Regional Office (MSRO), in partnership with the Shelby County Sherriff’s Office, has provided workforce development training to individuals presently incarcerated and within six months of release through its Turning Point program. On August 20, 2019, the first cohort of enrolled participants completed the program, successfully graduating from ‘Seedco University’.
Seedco Board Member, Herman Strickland, attended the event with the entire MSRO team and offered remarks. Mr. Strickland shared with the graduates that they are trailblazers, leading the way to show others that reentry processes work! Shelby County Sherriff Floyd Bonner took the time from his hectic schedule to attend and offer remarks. As Shelby County’s first African American sheriff, Mr. Bonner provided emphasis to the event’s ‘trailblazer’ theme.
The graduation ceremony was the first ever, with a few exceptional components; community partners, civilian family members, and Seedco staff were permitted entrance into the jail and remained throughout the reception immediately following and enjoyed refreshments together.
- Sheriff Floyd Bonner with Seedco staff members Darrell Scott, Marla Smith-Brown, Rod Thompson, and Board member Herman Strickland
- Turning Point graduates with Rod Thompson (seated)